June 1, 2008

  • 5.3.08 Brent’s Graduation

    On May 3, Brent had his commencement from Concordia University for his Master’s in Education!



    The Graduate!


    Brent’s Classmates.


    Brent and Mark’s Amy.


    Matching Chacos!


    Hanging out at Mark and Amy’s after Graduation Dinner at Kennedy School.


    With Shirley the Turtle.


    Kitty and Aunt Colleen playing Mario Kart on Wii, Hilarious!


    This was at a post graduation BBQ at Quincy’s house, I don’t think that Chiminea was meant for that intense of a fire!

    Well, that’s it for now, I’m so proud of Brent:)

May 20, 2008

  • Criswell Wedding 3.15.08

    Another wedding that I attended in March was that of my good friend Jessica McCarty and her man Rob Criswell. The wedding was really fun. The ceremony was short and sweet (how I like ‘em) and the reception had delicious mexican food, good music and dancing.

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    Jessica has an 8 year old daughter, Haley. Rob bought a special neclace to give to Haley during their ring exchange. In his words, “You marry the daughter as well as the mother.” I was really good and didn’t cry until that part. It was so sweet how they involved her in the whole thing.

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    Rob, Jessica and their best man.

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    Mom and me.

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    Dad and Mom.

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    Yummy cake!

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    Hilarious cake topper!

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    There were lots of cute little kids there.

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    It wouldn’t be Jessica’s wedding without mexican food.

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April 25, 2008

  • March 2008 Clackett Ranch, NC

    At the end of March, Brent and I travelled to the east coast for his college roommate’s (Jake) wedding. We flew into Greenville, SC, rented a car and drove toward the Great Smokey Mountains near Clyde, NC. The weather was sunny and 70 degrees everyday (except the day of the wedding it dropped to 50). Jake’s family owns a 30 acre buffalo ranch. Their family business is Buffalo Creek Vacation Rentals. Jake has his degree in engineering and just got his general contractor license. They have built 4 beautiful log cabins on their property and we got to stay in their newest! Here is a picture of Brent in front of Tatonka Lodge:

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    The interior was amazing, unfortunately my pictures of it aren’t that great. You can check it out at http://www.vrbo.com/163324 

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    Downstairs there was a pool table, foosball, air hocky, life-size chess, ping pong and a huge flatscreen TV it was a party every night!

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    This is Adam and Lindsay, they took it easy most of the time since she was hit by a drunk driver only weeks before.

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    Keelan and Angel

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    Tom, Jake (the groom) and Josh. Can you tell their brothers?

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    Katie Kolb

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    Carethanne and Lindsay

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    Pint-sized clacketts!

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    Tanner Kolb

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    Harriet, Jake’s mom, made sure we had fresh chicken eggs every morning! We were well fed and very spoiled. There was lots of time to relax. Brent and I took a few hikes to explore the property.

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    Brent Helped build this house…

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    Tanner took the motorized tour of the property…


    One of the days we were there we set out for the Smokey Mountains National Park and instead went to the Cherokee Reservation for shopping and ice cream.

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    The day before the wedding, Brent, Katie and I visited the Arboretum at the University of North Carolina.

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    There were really cool bug sculptures all around the campus!

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    They featured a great entymology exhibit with butterflies!

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    They hatched the butterflies themselves in a screened box.


    After they transform and break out, they rest and wait for their wings to dry. When the butterfly starts moving about the box looking for a way out they release it into the exhibit.

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    All the plants in the exhibit were beautiful, all specifically planted to support butterflies.


    In the parking lot we noticed that you can rent these off-road Segways to tour the Aboretum! This is quite possibly my favorite photo from the trip!

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    There were lots of different gardens to see, one of them devoted to Bonsai trees and a “Quilt” garden.

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    Magnolias are native to NC.

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    There were miles upon miles of hiking trails so we decided to explore them. We discovered a hollow tree to pose with!

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    We went into another building to see a quilt exhibit and stumbled upon a Orchid show. Here are photos of both!

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    The best quilt (in my opinion) was the Super Mario Bros!


    This is a watercolor painting of an orchid on silk canvas.


    The morning of the wedding all the boys played a very organized, very serious game of paintball.

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    Getting ready to leave for the wedding…

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    The wedding ceremony was very small but really beautiful. Here’s the only photo I have of the actual ceremony.

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    The reception was huge. They had about 30 tables and fed us a delicious buffet meal!

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    Tim, Tim and Lauren

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    The newlyweds, Jake and Holly

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    Angel showed us her moves on the dance floor.

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    The first dance and Tanner and Katie


    They had hershey kisses all over the dinner tables and each one had a cute saying.

    On the flight home Brent took a few pictures from the plane. Here’s one of them.

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    We had a really good time and were grateful to share in Jake and Holly’s big day. Thank you Clackett Family!

April 3, 2008

April 1, 2008

  • Back on the West Coast…

    Sunday evening Brent and I got back from our trip to North Carolina. I’m still gathering and organizing photos and I will have them up shortly.

    While I was out of town, Gabriel chose to shock everyone by starting to crawl, climb AND walk all at once. I didn’t believe it until I saw it for myself. I’ll be posting photos and videos of that too. He walks with his arms straight out in front of him like a mini-zombie…and like everything he does, it’s really cute. The day I got home he began to successfully mimic short words that we said. So far he says, “up” (with arms outstretched) and “hi”.

    Yesterday was my first day of my first term back at Mount Hood Community College. I am taking an easy math class in hopes that I can get a good grade and Brent can help me with my homework (if I need it). I was also signed up for an intermediate spanish class but they cancelled it due to low enrollment. I was pretty disappointed about that!

    The most exciting news that I’ve heard since I got back is that Lauren and Rick are engaged, Congratulations you two!

    That’s all for now…

  • Mom’s Cookin’

    I just love eating my mom’s home cookin’! Here are a couple pictures of one of my favorite dishes: Fajitas!



    Gabe can’t eat them yet, but he totally wants to…


January 16, 2008

  • Catching Up!

    Whew, the holidays seemed to hit like a ton of bricks this year. So many things to do and people to see. Unfortunately I don’t have  that many pictures to show for it, but I’ll post a few.


    Shanna Brown & Kara Wills waiting for the boys to finish up with “Guitar Hero III”.


    About mid November, Brent and I went to lunch with some of our favorite high school friends Chris Brown, Scott Wills and their wives to Old Spaghetti Factory. It was fun and delicious!

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    Megan, Holly and I went with Megan’s dad to the Civil War Game on December 1st at Autzen Stadium. We were rooting for the Beavers (of course) who came away from the game victorious! I have some more pictures of us girls, but I’ll have to post those later.


    Here’s a random picture of my nephew, Gabriel, playing with his dinosaurs.


    About mid December, Scott’s sister, Jaclyn, had a cocktail party for her friends and family. It was a lot of fun (even if I had to stay out waaaay past my bedtime).


    This is me with Scott’s stepmom, Mary.


    Scott, Chris and Jaclyn.

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    Er…Clint (on the left) was one of Scott’s roommates at Oregon State and apparently he’s got some serious ninja skills. Here he is doing a demonstration of them…


    Scott and Clint.

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    Gabriel recently discovered toilet paper. He goes through it alarmingly fast!

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    Kim took Gabe to see Santa this year. This is right before he started screaming and I don’t blame him for doing so either. Santa was really ornery and we could tell he didn’t like kids much. I took a few photos of Christmas Day but they are on my home computer so I’m going to skip to January 6, 2008 – Gabriel’s first birthday!


    Here is the birthday boy with his hairbrush, you can sorta see his two bottom teeth. Right now he is cutting the two top (front) teeth. He refuses to crawl and is not quite walking yet, so he plays in his walker when he feels the need for a little independence.


    Kim and I made cupcakes for his birthday party. They were very colorful but not very tasty (in my opinion).


    Gabe’s presents.


    Kim even got us little party favors!


    Here is Gabe’s dad, Don, helping him open a present.


    He loves it when we read to him but we get tired of the same books over and over. So Grandma and Grandpa Benjamin got him some new books. This one is “Birthday Monsters” by Sandra Boynton. He loves the book (obviously).


    Even more than his presents, he liked the balloons!


    Here are Brent and I nearing the post-cupcake coma.


    Kim’s best friend Timmeea with Gabe.


    Gabe with his Grandma Benjamin.


    The weekend before last, Brent and I took 3 of my dogs snowshoeing up at Little Crater Lake/Twin Lakes area. It was really beautiful up there and we all got some much needed exercise!

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    We were all pretty tired on the way home. Axis even fell asleep on Molly.

    That’s all I have for now. Last night I went snowboarding with my friend and co-worker Libby and her cousin Alex. We went up for Ladies night at Ski Bowl but forgot to bring a camera It was exhilirating and I realized that my board trips have been too few and far between so I am going to make an effort to get up there more often! Hope you all are enjoying 2008 as much as I am!

    Love, Amy

November 17, 2007

  • A couple weeks ago Brent and I went to the Elbo Room in Gresham with Holly, Megan, Dennis and Chrissy. It was really fun!

October 30, 2007

  • Bathtime Fun! 10.29.07

    Work is pretty slow right now so I am taking the opportunity to update my photos. Last night I gave Gabe his bath in the new tub Kim just bought. It’s been a while since I last bathed him. He really enjoys his baths now. He splashes and plays and makes quite a production.10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

    I tried to get a picture of his two bottom teeth but he sticks his tongue out to cover them every time!

October 29, 2007